The maximum strapping versatility and security. The ability to guarantee the best results for every type of product. Itipack’s strength is continuous innovation, offering every sector the most effective and highest quality strap system. The result? Integrally flexible machines: more than one hundred different strapping methods, tested for every type of seal, highly selected materials and components. Completely automated and computerised systems: from the machine body to rotary platforms, to the conveyors and to “smart” devices for packaging.
Incredible strength, long life and continuous operation. Efficiency and respect for your production needs. Only Itipack technology can give you these machines. They spring from state-of-the-art production lines where the creation of every single part is governed perfectly by automation. Everything is Itipack-made: the structural metalwork, the painting, the mechanical and electrical assemblies. They are then subjected to the severest tests: residual tension testing by tension meter and tensile strength testing by dynamometer both on steel and plastic straps.